Monday, November 19, 2007

Bone scan results

I've been joking all this time that I was a complete faker. Well, it turns out that I am. Not really.... But, I just got my bone scan results today and found out I don't have a stress fracture in either foot. Turns out I have some pretty serious inflammation in the muscle and tendon near my fifth metarsal on both feet. But, I've been given the green light on running again (provided I feel ready). Despite a little tenderness and helped by a new pair of shoots for flat footed people like me, I am going to give it a shot over lunch tomorrow.

So, here's props to the friendly runner guy at Inside Track who talked me through my supposed shoe issues to get me into a comfortable pair of shoes. Turns out I was getting the neutral, wide shoes right... But, I wasn't getting a shoe more tailored to a flat footed runner. So, I now have a very lame looking pair of shoes that will hopefully feel much better. I took them out for a spin at the store and they didn't cause any shooting pain. That's an improvement over my Asics right now (no fault of Asics though... just the wrong shoe for me). Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

New pair of shoots!

Bill said...

Glad to hear your foot problem isn't as bad as you initially feared. I wish I had your lame shoe problem when I went to the Harrisburg Inside Track looking for racing flats. I ended up getting the least obnoxious model that I could find that fit me well, and they still make me feel gawdy (the shoes are about 95% blazing red).

Eric Gervase said...

Nate... They're sweet...

Bill.. Yeah, running shoes tend to be a little gawdier than average Joe shoes. Nate and I have talked about this before. A shoe that I would never consider for everyday life is a little more acceptable for running. I need me a pair of racing flats.