Sunday, January 20, 2008

Weigh in, week 5

I guess this is the momentum that everybody was talking about... I ate well for most of the week and got a good amount of exercise in. And, the results rock!! I lost 2.8 pounds this week. I am officially under 195 (194.8 to be exact)!!

With that loss, I have lost a total of 5.2 pounds in 5 weeks. That's slightly behind schedule. But, with the new found momentum, it looks like I might be able to get down to 190 by the end of 8 weeks after all. I have to lose 1.6 pounds a week for the next 3 weeks. That's more aggressive than I'd like, but I think it's doable.

One last note... I am now officially under 10 pounds to go to my original goal weight (185). Not sure that is where I'll stop, but that is a great feeling!!


Topher said...

Nice job, man! 2.8 is awesome, and that feeling makes for a great day, right?

ps-I have one of those dry senses of humor and people often don't know I'm kidding when I am, so knew you were kidding. Oh, if only I COULD give 'em a piece of my mind...I'd feel like I'd lost 10 or 15 pounds if I could verbally unload.

Eric Gervase said...

Yeah.. I know how that is. I hope the pressure relieves itself soon. That sucks.

Greg On the Run said...

Congratulations. It takes time so don't beat yourself up too much.

Eric Gervase said...

Not at all... I am super stoked by the progress.

stevespeirs said...

5 down, 3 to go (weeks that is)

Keep up the great work and you'll do it. The snowball effect is kicking in...

Nice one!


Eric Gervase said...

Yeah.. Thanks for the support. 3 more weeks of restricting calories and I'll be able to relax for a bit.

RunToTheFinish said...

I'm going to hope my body is doing just what yours did.. I mean eating great and running your tush off seems like it should show up right away. :)

Great job!